
Showing posts from May, 2018

Post graduate studies

I have not really thought about it yet. But I can force myself to do it.  I think it would make a magister, that is a corde to psychology or history.  History and psychology are two interesting courses that can be merged and can achieve interesting research.  I would like to do this study at the University of Chile. Although I would like to do it abroad. In Argentina for example.  Later I would also love to do a PhD, but it would be after having thought it through very well, mainly due to the resources. It would be very circumstantial. But I would never like to stop studying. I think the main reasons to continue studying would be to continuously immerse yourself in new and interesting knowledge to conquer. In addition, it continues generating spaces to know ourselves as human beings. A lso makes you grow professionally, having other contacts to improve the research that concerns issues relevant to society. Although I would also like to study cinematography, but I think I would d

About my pet

Today I will talk about a pet I have long ago. They gave it to me long ago, on one of my birthdays, to be precise, for the tenth birthday. I still remember it in my hands, that little dog. It was very small, and very wrinkled. I called her Ursula. Is a breed of Pitbull dog. At that time this breed of dog was feared, due to its aggressiveness, but I never believed that it was so. Ursula was raised very affectionately. Currently she is the most affectionate of all and is the most loving of all my pets, and I have four dogs. Once, when Ursula was small, she had an accident, from which she recovered soon. When it happened, I remember that I was very sad and worried about Ursula. I'm really sorry today. Ursula is a little deaf and old, but it's still special to me for many reasons. One of these is that it is the first pet I had, and he always loved me very much. His actions proved it. Today I enjoy of it every day because I am afraid that it will cease to exist. I hope he never lea