
Showing posts from July, 2018

English language challenges

My experience about learning english at university has been very important and clarifying. I think that I can now talking with more fluency, and I can understand all the text that I'm reading, like for example the papers in the neurofisiology subject. But I can't use the tences correctly. This is the most important for me, and the item more complicated too. In the blog I can exprese myself with enough fluency. I think that this activity brind us as students a tool very important to exprese, and this is very important to our training as proffesionals. And it is important too because miss correct us when we are making a mistake, and the process it is more gratifying because step by step we are making a logical argumental and description about the matter. So, I think that this is the most important of the programme. Also, I can manipulate the most of my difficulty: the grammar and the tences, for example the past continues. Because all the time I try to write in present, and this

Study programme changes

I think that our discipline seems like a perfect one (and really it is very attractive), but in the deep it  has many problems that we can only see in a retrospective analysis, because it is necessary to understand that this analysys has several layers. For example, in this moment I think that we need more subjects that imply more hours to understand our discipline from the practice, especially in the first years. Another one, it would be neccesary to implement more reading from female writers, because the male authors are the majority, in special the obligatory ones, that imply biased learning from our subjects. Even though I must assume that our career is one of the privileged ones compared with the other careers in the faculty of social science. Compared, for example, with anthropology.  The curriculum in general is one of the best, but it is necessary to update it, incidentally because of the struggles of the feminist movement.  Talking about the method, this is very appropria

Personal opinions

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana? Marijuana is a plant. Marijuana is natural. I think there is no more valid argument than these. I think that marijuana must be legal, with clear rules, so that there is no incorrect use of its properties. I think that its properties have multiple uses, which can be researched to benefit humanity, but that they are stopped by the uncontrollable nature that is when it wants to be controlled. It must be legal for it to be used by those who do not have access because of fear of the law. What is your opinion about “barras bravas”? The "barras bravas" it  is at first sight a simple phenomenon. But it is really complex. They are a social phenomenon, in which there are many vices characteristic of society: for example, it is a closed group with characteristics that unite them, there are also prejudices, violence, and empowerment among themselves. My opinion is that the internal organization should be well focused. It is difficul