English language challenges

My experience about learning english at university has been very important and clarifying. I think that I can now talking with more fluency, and I can understand all the text that I'm reading, like for example the papers in the neurofisiology subject. But I can't use the tences correctly. This is the most important for me, and the item more complicated too.
In the blog I can exprese myself with enough fluency. I think that this activity brind us as students a tool very important to exprese, and this is very important to our training as proffesionals. And it is important too because miss correct us when we are making a mistake, and the process it is more gratifying because step by step we are making a logical argumental and description about the matter. So, I think that this is the most important of the programme. Also, I can manipulate the most of my difficulty: the grammar and the tences, for example the past continues. Because all the time I try to write in present, and this is the most of my troubles, and with this I can progress.

Like I say, I think that the aspect that I obligatorily need to improved is the grammar and the use of correctly tences. In dialogues, and writing too. Because I tend to talking and write in present, and that is the mayor of my mistake. But I think that with practice I'm going to make it. I think that I need to use more internet for learning English, and use too the multiples plataforms that today are available to us, like "duolingo", "youtube" and many others. So I need to understand the importance of the use corrct English in all tences. Also, I think to read more books in English will be improve my ability.

Outside the English class I use the English class with the text of neurofisiology, and the actual investigation in the field of psychology. I think I hear better than I speak in English. I usually use class English to try to better understand the texts I read, or sometimes I just do not see the translations of the films and I dedicate myself to listening.


  1. haha, to me It was much harder than I thought to read the neurophysiology text in English! for the variety of new concepts

  2. If your problem is the grammar and tenses, the reading could be a good way to learn them (as you mentioned). But I think that memorize the structure of tenses for then internalize it, it's better. At least, I learned the rules of tenses and that helps me a lot (they are quite much easier than in Spanish, I can assure that), probably you could search books of grammar or watch videos in YouTube (short classes of tenses and grammar, like for example: EnglishClass101.com), or practice in Duolingo, as you said (it's a very good platform). It's very useful to use the tools of technology that we have nowadays. Take care!


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