Post graduate studies

I have not really thought about it yet. But I can force myself to do it. 
I think it would make a magister, that is a corde to psychology or history. History and psychology are two interesting courses that can be merged and can achieve interesting research. I would like to do this study at the University of Chile. Although I would like to do it abroad. In Argentina for example. Later I would also love to do a PhD, but it would be after having thought it through very well, mainly due to the resources. It would be very circumstantial. But I would never like to stop studying.
I think the main reasons to continue studying would be to continuously immerse yourself in new and interesting knowledge to conquer. In addition, it continues generating spaces to know ourselves as human beings. Also makes you grow professionally, having other contacts to improve the research that concerns issues relevant to society.
Although I would also like to study cinematography, but I think I would do it in parallel to the magister and in a self-taught way. Although everything depends. I would like to study all this in person. I think it is the closest thing that one will be to generate other types of knowledge, in contact with colleagues and with the teacher, and with the place where they will be studied.


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